Acceptance of difficult situations

“Mindful acceptance is not about accepting a bad situation, it is about accepting the feelings and suffering that can come from a bad situation and understanding that these sufferings are created only by our own minds and can be managed in a very real way while you tackle the situation that is causing the suffering.

In order to begin to change things in our entrepreneurial lives, we first need to become aware of the things as they are and accept them. Accepting that we are currently facing something that is difficult for us, accepting that we have lost a deal, that we are sick or that we are going through a difficult financial period in our entrepreneurial lives. It is normal that this will often be accompanied by denial, anger and other unpleasant feelings, and that we may need a lot of time to accept this difficult situation for us. In order to be able to continue with developing ourselves and our business, the first step is to accept the situation as it is.

There will often be days when it will be very difficult for us to relax, we will have a lot of thoughts, frustration, problems with focus and attention. If we fight this helplessly and deny our current experience, we will only make it harder for ourselves. If, on the other hand, we accept that things are as they are at the moment, we will gradually learn how to deal with what we currently have, no matter how uncomfortable it is.

This does not mean that we are passive observers that we do nothing to change certain negative habits, attitudes and situations around us, but on the contrary, the first step towards change is to accept the situation as it is. Nurturing self-compassion and understanding for ourselves that the situation may not be the best for us at the moment, but instead of ignoring, suppressing or fighting it, it may be easier for us to accept it as it is and then gradually work on changing it.

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