A Magic Coffee Bean or Strong Values?

Follow-up article
Did you already read my previous article How to make your values mean something?

When you walk into a Starbucks store, there is directly a feeling of warmth and belonging. All the different types of, latte, frappuccino, pumpkin spices and treats to pick. The lady behind the counter is greeting you friendly and is ready to serve you a nice warm beverage while asking you for your name. There is no difference in visiting a Starbucks in Amsterdam, Bangkok, Ubud, Belgrade or in a smaller town like Tilburg. It could be that Starbucks managers have a skill for hiring people who love working with the public. Maybe, they have the power to chary pick just the best of the best to keep their service on such a high level to delivering the very best in all they do. 

There are other companies like this, both big and small, that we visit every day, but we might not stop and consider why we like them or keep going back to them instead of trying their direct competitors. Like Starbucks, I know for sure that you can find in the same street a cheaper and perhaps better qualitative alternative for your morning latte.

The magic coffee bean

What is their secret ingredient of Starbucks, did they discovered the magic coffee bean to hypnotize people so they will come back every morning for more…? Or is there no magical bean and has it the do with something else, something more logical?

According to Patrick M. Lencioni in Harvard Business Review, “Values can set a company apart from the competition by clarifying its identity and serving as a rallying point for employees. But coming up with strong values — and sticking to them — requires real guts.” So maybe the magical bean is giving the employers the belief that they are part of something bigger and they work with people with shared ideas and ideals about work. 

As I explained in my previous article, How to make your values mean something:

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  • Values are basic and fundamental beliefs that guide or motivate thoughts or actions.
  • It’s not enough to print on a poster the words empowering, teamwork, togetherness and compassion to align your team or to build a culture.

What’s Starbucks doing differently?

They allow room for people to support common values while making decisions on their own without compromising the organizational mission. 

In other words, they give the employers all the freedom to play within the walls around their playfield, the foundational values. On top of the walls, they build a strong roof to protect, to keep their employers and their formula safe, the mission.


To inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighbourhood at a time.

Foundational values:

Creating a culture of warmth and belonging, where everyone is welcome. When you walk into a Starbucks store, there is directly a feeling of warmth and belonging.

Acting with courage, challenging the status quo and finding new ways to grow our company and each other. All the different types of, latte, frappuccino, pumpkin spices and treats to pick.

Being present, connecting with transparency, dignity and respect. The lady behind the counter is greeting you friendly and is ready to serve you a nice warm beverage while asking you for your name.

Delivering our very best in all we do, holding ourselves accountable for results. There is no difference in visiting a Starbucks in Amsterdam, Bangkok, Ubud, Belgrade or in a smaller town like Tilburg.

Understand that it’s not about a magical bean, but it’s coming up and showing up with strong values and sticking to them… yes, it requires real guts!

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