Mindful self-compassion in the workplace

Grow emotional capacity within your team with Mindful self-compassion in the workplace.

Many of us believe being self-critical and hard on ourselves is a good thing. Our heart approach, called self-compassion involves treating yourself the way you would treat a friend who is having a hard time—even if your friend blew it or is feeling inadequate, or is just facing a tough life challenge.

We mistakenly think that being competitive and pushing ourselves hard is required for success. Research, however, is proving these theories wrong. Most of us don’t stop to consider whether our self-critical and competitive attitudes are helping us achieve our goals. We don’t realize that they are actually standing in our way.

Scientific data shows that self-criticism makes us weaker in the face of failure, more emotional, and less likely to assimilate lessons from our failures. Studies are finding that there is a far better alternative to self-criticism is self-compassion.

Though the term “self-compassion” may sound like self-indulgence or may feel like a weakness, it is actually the secret to resilience, strength in the face of failure, the ability to learn from mistakes, and to bounce back with greater enthusiasm.

Why self-compassion is so important for your organization.

HR or managers (and others who work with people) without the right resources at their disposal are particularly susceptible to compassion fatigue or burnout.

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In addition, compassion fatigue impacts those who are naturally empathetic, have not developed adequate coping mechanisms, and/or whose organization lacks work-life balance. These factors can be leading to exhaustion or weariness and often cause affected professionals to shut down.

When we are mindful of our struggles and respond to ourselves with compassion, kindness, and support in times of difficulty, things start to change. We can learn to embrace ourselves and our lives, despite inner and outer imperfections, and provide ourselves with the strength needed to thrive.

Benefits of self-compassion in the workplace.

Research has shown that self-compassion greatly enhances:

  • Emotional wellbeing
  • Happiness
  • Resilience
  • Motivation

It reduces anxiety and depression, and can even help maintain healthy lifestyle habits such as diet and exercise. Being both mindful and compassionate leads to greater ease and well-being in our professional and daily lives.

Mindful self-compassion allows us to live with less resistance toward ourselves, colleagues, and our lives. If we can fully accept that things are challenging, and be kind to ourselves because they’re difficult, we can be with the challenge with greater ease.

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